The Services You Should Look For In Your Residential Demolition Contractor

There are many reasons why you might want your home demolished. If you are trying to sell the core plot of land, the house is too old so it actively detracts from the price or you are trying to subdivide your property, you will still need the help of residential demolition experts. But what do you get when you book a residential demolition expert? For those unfamiliar with the industry, here are a couple of core services you should expect from your contractor. Make sure to double-check before you hire them that they meet all these requirements, and if they don't, then look for a new one.

Asbestos Removal

If your home is older than a couple of decades, then there is a good chance that it has asbestos in its construction. While asbestos might not be especially harmful when it is undisturbed (as it is during most of its existence), when you are demolishing the whole building, there is a good chance that it will be quite hazardous for those in the vicinity. Look for residential demolition experts that have an asbestos disposal licence for both your sake and theirs. If you are not sure whether there is asbestos in your home or not then get it tested to ensure you don't place others at risk.

Council Help

If you are an expert in local laws or zoning practices, then you might not need this, but for beginners, it can be vital. Getting a demolition contractor that understands how to navigate the complexities of local laws makes the process so easy. You don't know what permits to apply for and what forms to fill out, but they will. This can expedite the whole process as submitting forms and waiting for the council can take up a large chunk of your total time spent demolishing your building. Never underestimate just how long these forms can take, and you shouldn't plan hard deadlines before you have a response.


There are a lot of materials in your house that can be recycled. Metal is one of the easiest things to recycle, and your house is likely full of bits and pieces of aluminium and steel along with other metals. Getting a residential demolition company that cares about the environment is a great sign that this care will translate to how they approach your job. Recycling doesn't take a lot of effort in comparison to the job of pulling down a house, so try and find a local demolition contractor that offers this as part of their services.

To learn more about residential demolition, contact a demolition contractor in your area.

About Me

How Damage Contractors Deal With Disaster

Hello, my name is Keith. I live in Perth, Australia. A few years ago, my family home was struck by a terrible disaster. Heavy rain caused localised flooding. This resulted in my property being completely overcome by water. My wife was really upset. Even though we were physically all right, the idea that we might lose our dream home caused us a lot of mental distress. My friend recommended I bring in a team of damage contractors. The team assessed the damage and quickly set to work. Within a month my home was as good as new. I hope you find my blog useful.

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