Why Restump Your Home Before You Sell it?

If your home needs restumping, and you know that you will be moving in the near future, then you might decide not to do this job right now. You can sell the property in its current state and leave it up to the new owners to decide if and when they want to restump. 

However, you should consider restumping your home before you sell it. Doing this job now could actually help you make the right sale. Read on to learn more.

Get a Faster Sale 

The condition of a property can affect how fast it sells. People move fast to put in offers for properties in good condition. They are often quick to pick up fixer-uppers even if they need a lot of work.

However, some buyers can be wary of buying properties that are generally in good condition but which have an isolated problem they perceive as significant. For example, if a property needs restumping, then it might worry about its structural integrity.

If someone has never had to deal with restumping before, then they might not understand how the process works. They might not realise that restumping would give them a quick and effective fix.

So, you might find that it takes longer to sell your home when you do decide to move. However, you shouldn't experience these delays if you have your home restumped before you put it on the market.

Potential buyers will be pleased that this job has been done recently. It's a job they now won't have to think about or fund for years to come. Your home sale should go a lot faster.

Get the Right Selling Price

When buyers find out that your home needs restumping, they're unlikely to want to pay the asking price. They'll want to buy the property at enough of a discount to fund their own restumping work.

Even if you've lowered your price to factor in the restumping costs, an immediate repair job makes people feel that a property is worth less. You could lose money on your sale if people aren't willing to pay the price you set.

If you have your home restumped before you sell it, then you restore its true value. In fact, a recent restump could actually work in your favour. Some buyers might offer more for your property.

If you decide to go ahead and restump your home, then it's probably better to do this job sometime ahead of selling if you can. Your home will need to settle after its restump, and you might have some interior touch-up work to do after that. For more advice, contact house restumping companies.

About Me

How Damage Contractors Deal With Disaster

Hello, my name is Keith. I live in Perth, Australia. A few years ago, my family home was struck by a terrible disaster. Heavy rain caused localised flooding. This resulted in my property being completely overcome by water. My wife was really upset. Even though we were physically all right, the idea that we might lose our dream home caused us a lot of mental distress. My friend recommended I bring in a team of damage contractors. The team assessed the damage and quickly set to work. Within a month my home was as good as new. I hope you find my blog useful.

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